Solvent Trap USA

Every licensed owner requires a perfectly working firearm. For that to be facilitated, they need to clean it often. And for you to clean a firearm, you ought to have a proper kit. A firearm in good condition provides safety to the user and efficiency as well. This goes well, especially for those in the fore-front jobs which require firearms in perfect-working condition.

Armory Den provides efficient cleaning solutions for your firearm. With various solvent trap cleaning kits, you can get the right set for your firearm type and model. A solvent trap cleaning kit has several parts that do different tasks to ensure you eliminate the solvent from your firearm. These parts include solvent trap end caps, solvent trap tubes, thread mounts, storage cups/K cups/titanium or adaptive aluminum cups, and solvent trap cells.

Now that we’re up to speed with what solvent trap cleaning kits are, let’s take a look at how you should use them. First of all, the main reason why many people prefer using solvent trap cleaning kits is to prevent making a mess. Secondly, you can always recycle the solvent, and the storage cups come in handy to ensure that you store them properly.

The following are instructions and tips for using solvent trap end caps;

1. Assemble the Solvent Trap Cleaning Kit

Fit the solvent trap end caps at the bottom part of the tube and a barrel on the front part. Inside the tube, you have to put a solvent storage cup that’s useful for the collection section. Some firearms, especially pistols, will require a booster to allow the firearm to charge so that you can get cleaning solutions into the ejection port area. Ensure that each part is aligned correctly and they are tightly fitted to each other.

2. Thread the Solvent Cleaning Kit that You’ve Put Together on the Firearm

You have to fit it just enough through the Glock to allow some inches for you to be able to charge the firearm. You will fit the solvent trap kit from the barrel’s/booster’s end because that’s where the threads are.

3. Charge the Firearm

This is the point where you pave the way for the cleaning part to happen.

4. Clean the Firearm

At this point, you take your oil and solvent bore brush and clean the firearm as you push the solvent out of the firearm. Ensure you completely clear all the solvent from the firearm at this stage.

5. Collect the Solvent

It depends on how many solvents you had on your firearm to make this procedure either simple or a bit difficult for you. However, you can always find your way around it. During the assembly, there’s a part where you included a solvent storage cup inside the tube. At this stage, you’ll open the solvent trap end caps while the kit is still fitted on the firearm and the firearm is held facing downwards. Slowly open the end to avoid dropping the storage cups inside. You can collect as much solvent as possible depending on how much was in your firearm.

6. Store or Dispose

You have to decide whether you want to store and recycle the solvent or go ahead and dispose of them. If you chose to hold the solvent, then a kit comes with several storage cups to help you keep as much solvent as you want.

7. Detach the Solvent Trap Kit

You have to detach the solvent trap kit once you’re done with the cleaning process. You’ll begin by re-charging your firearm to let go of the solvent tube then thread it from the firearm.

8. Disassemble the Kit

You’ll then disassemble the kit so that you can separate the different parts. Clean them up, then store them.

Don’t allow the solvent to make your firearm unsafe for you or unable to work when the need arises. Armory Den produces adaptive, affordable, durable, configurable, and lightweight solvent traps. Order yours today and enjoy a discount. For more information on Solvent Trap End Caps, visit

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