Learning about the effects of how different salts work can be truly fascinating. It is true not all salts are created equal. While some salts provide for taste only other salts of a higher grade actually benefit you by providing your body minerals. Let’s find out what those salts are and how they work?

What Is Table Salt?

Many are familiar with the Morton Iodized table salt with the little girl holding the umbrella. This salt is white in color and is abundant in the trace mineral iodine. Iodine is good for you. You can get this trace mineral from eating foods such as eggs, grains, dairy foods, and seafood.

Surprisingly many people around the world are deficient in iodine. Iodine is a trace element that should be consulted with your physician before use. For women, iodine may provide relief by reducing itching, inflammation, and discharge. This, of course, is if you use an iodine vaginal douche treatment.

For wound care iodine is used because of its natural disinfectant properties. Iodine also helps reduce the effects of radiation by preventing thyroid injury. Speaking of the thyroid your body uses iodine to help regulate your metabolism. when the body is deficient in iodine it is typical for an adult to experience weight gain.

Iodine, however, is not the ideal salt to take large consumptions of because it is deficient in other minerals. Like anything overtaking iodine can cause diarrhea, vomiting and all sorts of other health-related issues. Natural salt is known to clump together unlike table salt which is bleached and uses an additive called calcium silicate to prevent clumping.

Pink Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt is a food grade salt however, it is different from table salt in many ways. Himalayan salt has a natural pink and white color. When exposed to the air over time it does cause clumping because of the invisible water vapors in the air.

Himalayan salt is abundant in trace minerals such as calcium, chloride, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In fact, pink Himalayan salt is abundant in over 84 trace minerals. The ph of Himalayan salt is said to be a 7 or higher which makes it a clean salt. For people experiencing high blood pressure Himalayan salt can lower blood pressure.

You will even find that people purchase Himalayan lamps to purify their air quality. As mentioned earlier pink Himalayan salt likes to absorb air. It has been reported that Himalayan salt can absorb dust and allergens which get stuck in the salt ions. For individuals looking to clean their intestines, Himalayan salt is great because it helps to absorb water into your intestines. If you suffer from a dehydration issue, however, it can cause issues by taking hydration from parts of your body to draw into your intestines.

Celtic Sea Salt

Celtic seal salt might just be one of the most underrated salts on the market. Celtic seal salt not only does it taste great on food but it also has not been refined. The color of this type of salt is light gray. The ocean is constantly harvested of this type of salt and provides an abundant amount of it.

The ocean is able to replenish itself of Celtic seal salt very quickly. Different parts of the world produce different colors of Celtic salt. Celtic sea salt has less sodium and more magnesium which makes it ideal for someone suffering cramps. If someone is suffering from a headache due to hydration Celtic sea salt is great to temporarily provide the electrolytes and hydration for relief.

Salt Is Amazing

Despite what some experts say about salt raising blood pressure, salt is actually amazing. Salt has many benefits which were outlined above. Believe it or not our bodies are made of salt. We require a salt intake for survival. Consider trying each salt for yourself to experience its many wonders.

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